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Dialog Show user

This dialog shows all other users editing the selected project.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

The project is currently being edited by the following users:

This field shows all other users editing the selected project. The information in the Logon name, Name, Phone, E-mail, and Computer name columns are stored in the user settings for the respective users. The editing mode is displayed in the Mode column.

Popup menu:

The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (date, integer, multilingual, etc.) - the following menu items:

In addition, the following dialog-specific popup menu items are available:

Menu item



Copies the selected lines. Entire rows can also be copied and inserted into (e.g.) Excel.

Send by e-mail

Opens the Select profile dialog. Allows the user to send an e-mail.


Click this button to update the view.

See also