Change status
In eView you have the possibility to assign a status to your redlining. The status of a redlining references the status in the workflow. There are five different statuses: "Draft", "Review", "Approved", "Done", and "Rejected".
- Click the menu above the toolbar.
- Click the
- Select a status.
- Save the change of the status.
The property window opens.
You can add a comment in the dialog by manually typing it or by selecting a template.
You can also change the status of a redlining via drag & drop.
When a redlining is set to the status Review, the user who added the project receives an e-mail notification.
When a redlining is set to the status Rejected, the creator of the redlining receives a notification by e-mail.
- Draft: "Draft" is the initial status of a redlining. The properties of the redlining and the included comment can be edited in this status. The redlining can only be deleted by the creator in this status. Anyone with a corresponding role and permission can see redlinings in the "Draft" status.
- Review: Redlinings with this status have been released for review. The user who added the project in eView is informed about the status change via e-mail. The user can check the comment in the redlining and then confirm or reject it.
- Approved: The redlining has been approved.
- Done: The redlining has been done.
- Rejected: The redlining has been rejected.