This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


The EEC argument must be transferred with the following syntax:


EEC argument



Only for Job Server


By means of repositoryfolder, a central directory for the different storage locations of the Job Server is specified.

The directory can be specified as a UNC path or a local path. A UNC path is specified both for the Job Server and for all Workers (read and write permissions). A local path can only be accessed by the Job Server and the local Workers.

Path specifications for incomingFolder, failedFolder, outputFolder and model in the job definitions could then be specified relative to this directory (see also Job definitions).

Absolute path specifications for the Job Server can be made as well.

If this specification is missing and relative path specifications are provided in the job definitions, then error messages will occur.

Example of an initialization file (e.g., ec.ini):


Resulting specifications in a job definition (extract):

	<incomingFolder value="input" />
	<failedFolder value="failed" />
	<outputFolder value="output" />
	<filter value="*.px2" />


If the Repository directory is set as a local path, jobs cannot be executed on remote Workers, but only on local Workers. In order for this limitation to be recognized a warning is output in the log when the Job Server is started and when the job definitions are updated. Similarly an error message is displayed in the browser in the user interface during registration or during updating of the job definitions of a remote Worker.

See also: