This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Parameterizing of library components

Parameterization is carried out via the Parameters editor page. Apart from its type property, each parameter also has the fields Value, Default, Standardized, Type, Declared in, and Comment:

The Value field describes the value of the parameter that the field is to assume when the component is integrated into a project. This value is assigned as a default value.

The Default field in this specific case is not filled.

The Standardized field is to tell the user in the project whether this parameter is to be configured by him or her or whether it should not be edited. The Standardized field can be filled with two values, true and false. If a parameter is standardized, the parameter is grayed out in the project. But it can still be overwritten.

The Type field identifies the type of the parameter. The Declared in field shows the object in which the parameter is declared.

In the Comment field, a comment can be entered on the usage or meaning of the parameter.

If a component, parameterized in the library, is integrated, the contents in the Value field provide the default values.
