This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Selecting and changing edges

Existing edges may be selected with a left click. A selected edge indicates its start point (1.) and endpoint (2.) (see the screenshot below).

With these points, the edges can be connected (routed) to other nodes. To do so, select a point and drag it onto another object. In the following screenshot, the endpoint of the edge is dragged from roller conveyor SK1RLB2 to SK1RLB3. Because we are dealing here with a type of connection that always takes the shortest path, the new connection is routed without a bendpoint.

If the edge is a polyline configured to allow changes to be made to bendpoints, each bendpoint can be moved as desired. The following screenshot illustrates a connection between roller conveyor SK1RLB2 and SK2RLB1 via a polyline whose bendpoints have been moved arbitrarily.