This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


Placeholder for concrete specifications of graphical objects.


This figure is derived from figureBase and inherits its properties.

Attribute name Usage Attribute values Default value Description
figure com.mind8.graph2d.figure.Image
Allowed sub-elements Quantity
configuration 0 or 1
properties 0 or 1
property id="?" Values for read/write Description
cornerRadius Radius of rounded corners in pixels
img Formula to the graphical object of the project component
resizable true, false Changeability of the size.
true = size is modifiable
true = size is fixed
showLabelIcon true, false Specifies the icon, which is to be displayed in the label
true = icon of the label is displayed
true = icon of the label is not displayed
showLabelText true, false Specifies, if the text of a label is to be displayed
true = text of the label is displayed
true = text of the label is not displayed
showScrollBars true, false Specifies, if scrollbars are to be displayed for the graphical object
true = scrollbars are displayed
false = scrollbars are not display
text Text or formula, which determines a text, which is to be displayed in the label


Follow the sequence:

Within <figureBase>, <figureContainer>, <figureEllipse>, <figureImage>, <figureLabel> and <figurePolygon> first configure <configuration> and then <properties>.