This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Determining the title, version and insertion location for the diagram

The attributes in the tag <diagramEditor> are used to define what the name of a newly created diagram in the project will be (attribute title), at what location within a project a new diagram can be inserted (attribute insertion location) and the default version that is assigned to the newly inserted diagram (attribute Version).


The version can be any string of characters; its value is not incremented automatically when changes are made to the diagram configuration.

The title for a freshly added diagram should be IT_SolutionMap:

  1. For the title attribute input the value IT_SolutionMap.

The first node to be inserted in the diagram should be a floor. Since the corresponding component is located under the component Building, it should be possible to insert the diagram below Building and above Floor (see Task: Creating a configuration diagram for office infrastructure)

Determine insertion location:

  1. For the attribute packageable, input the value =isInstanceOf('IT_ModularSystem.Buildingcomponents.Building').

The version is given the value 1:

  1. For the attribute version, input the value 1.
  2. Save the diagram configuration ([Ctrl] + [S]).