This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Configuration of the node for Floor

The node for Floor should be a container for nodes of type Room and be depicted as a Polygon.

  1. Insert the following lines under the configuration of abstract_Buildingcomponent for the node Floor. Do not save after inserting, because the statement acceptedChildren="Room" would still lead to a validation error.
<!-- Inherits properties of "abstract_Buildingcomponent" -->
<node id="Floor" super="abstract_Buildingcomponent" valid="=isInstanceEO() and isInstanceOf('IT_Architecture.Levelcomponents.Floor')" acceptedChildren="Room">
	<figurePolygon figure="com.mind8.graph2d.figure.container.Polygon">
			<property id="prefWidth">
				<read value="2000" />
			<property id="prefHeight">
				<read value="2000" />
			<property id="bendpointsCount">
				<read value="4" />
			<property id="bendpointsModifiable">
				<read value="true" />
	<property id="text">
		<read value="=$Tooltip" />
		<write key="value" receiver="=parameter('Number')" />

Floor is the node that is to be added to the diagram as an element of the uppermost level. To that end, the configuration of <diagramEditor> must be expanded with the attribute acceptedChildren="Floor".

  1. In the tag <diagramEditor>, add the attribute acceptedChildren="Floor". Do not save after inserting, because the statement acceptedChildren="Room" would still lead to a validation error.