This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Creating a unit structure

The discipline components and their parameters should be created in a single structure. The structure is built of hierarchically ordered units. Create in the T_Mechatronic_ModularSystem library the ECAD unit, and in it, the ProPanel subunit:

  1. Select the T_Mechatronic_ModularSystem library.
  2. Select New > Unit in the shortcut menu.

  1. In the Name field, enter the text ECAD.
  2. Save the unit with [Ctrl] + [S].
  3. Select the ECAD unit.
  4. Repeat steps 2 to 4. Enter the unit name ProPanel in the process.


When following instructions that describe how to create or modify something, always press [Ctrl] + [S] at the end. In the following instructions, this mandatory step is no longer carried out explicitly.

The unit structure should then look like this: