This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

Report Externally

The Report externally functionality allows for the export of reports with an external program.

Using the functionality

  1. Select the Tools > Settings > Reports > Report externally menu items.
  2. Under the appropriate report type select the path to the external program.

    You may use the <Harness ProD installation directory>\HReportExternally.exe demo program which will export the report as an *.xlsx file.
  3. Click on the adjacent field and enter any additional arguments the program may require.

    For the demo program this would be the path to the appropriate report template. The template path must be entered in the following form: -template "<Harness ProD installation directory>\Demo\Demo_ReportExternally\<template name>.xlsx".
  4. Click [OK].
  5. Open the report you would like to export with this program.
  6. Select the File > Report externally menu items.

    Select a directory in which to save your final report, define its name, and assign the appropriate file extension. For the demo program the extension has to be *.xlsx.
  7. Click [Save].

Information for developers

The uncompiled source code for HReportExternally.exe is stored in the <Harness ProD installation directory>\Demo\Demo_ReportExternally\ file.

When the report is saved using the Report externally functionality, Harness ProD will perform the following steps:

The program then uses this information to create the final report.

HReportExternally.exe-specific keywords for templates

The HReportExternally.exe demo program uses several keywords in its templates:

Keyword Description
PROJECT_NAME Name of the project
DATE Date when the report was exported
TIME Time when the report was exported
START Mandatory indication of where the first column of the table to be filled with data is
END Mandatory indication of where the last column of the table to be filled with data is

Property keywords

Property keyword Property
Assembly / device report
HarnessID Wire harness name
WireHarnessErpNumber Wire harness ERP number
WireHarnessPartNumber Wire harness part number
WireHarnessDescription Wire harness description
CableUnitID Cable unit name
CableUnitErpNumber Cable unit ERP number
CableUnitPartNumber Cable unit part number
CableUnitDescription Cable unit description
AssemblyName Assembly / device name
AssemblyComposition Composition
OccName Name
OccType Type
LibName Part name
LibVersion Library version
SupplierCompany Supplier
SupplierNr Supplier part number
ManufacturerCompany Manufacturer
ManufacturerNr Manufacturer part number
InternalNr Internal part number
ERPNr ERP number
CostItem Cost/item
CostUnit Cost/unit
WeightItem Weight/item
WeightUnit Weight/unit
LeadTime Lead time
ManufacturingColor Product color
MinimumOrderQuantity Quantity/packaging
Temperature Temperature range
AlternateParts Alternative parts
Option Electrical options
PartStatus Part status
Variant Variant name
Document Document name
Project Project name
Bill of materials (aggregated & single-line)
HarnessID Wire harness name
WireHarnessErpNumber Wire harness ERP number
WireHarnessPartNumber Wire harness part number
WireHarnessDescription Wire harness description
CableUnitID Cable unit name
CableUnitErpNumber Cable unit ERP number
CableUnitPartNumber Cable unit part number
CableUnitDescription Cable unit description
OccType Type
LibName Part name
LibVersion Library version
SupplierCompany Supplier
SupplierNr Supplier part number
ManufacturerCompany Manufacturer
ManufacturerNr Manufacturer part number
InternalNr Internal part number
ERPNr ERP number
Count Quantity
MinimumOrderQuantity Quantity/packaging
ToOrder Order quantity
Length Length
CostItem Cost/item
CostUnit Cost/unit
TotalCost Total cost
TotalCostRaw Total raw cost
WeightItem Weight/item
WeightUnit Weight/unit
TotalWeight Total weight
LeadTime Lead time
ManufacturingColor Product color
Temperature Temperature range
PartStatus Part status
ObjectNames Object names
Variant Variant name
Document Document name
Project Project name
Cable report
HarnessID Wire harness name
WireHarnessErpNumber Wire harness ERP number
WireHarnessPartNumber Wire harness part number
WireHarnessDescription Wire harness description
CableUnitID Cable unit name
CableUnitErpNumber Cable unit ERP number
CableUnitPartNumber Cable unit part number
CableUnitDescription Cable unit description
CableName Cable name
WireName Wire name
LibName Part name
LibVersion Library version
OutsideDiameter Outside diameter
CoreDiameter Cross-section
Length Length
ParentBundles Parent bundles
Imprint Imprint
LabelName Label
LabelText Label text
Insulation Insulation
WireTwisted Wire twisted
MaterialCode Material code
WireStrands Strands
InternalNr Internal part number
ERPNr ERP number
SupplierCompany Supplier
SupplierNr Supplier part number
ManufacturerCompany Manufacturer
ManufacturerNr Manufacturer part number
ConnectorFrom Connectable object from
ConnectorFromSupplier Connectable object from supplier
ConnectorFromSupplierNr Connectable object from supplier part number
ConnectorFromManufacturer Connectable object from manufacturer
ConnectorFromManufacturerNr Connectable object from manufacturer part number
ConnectorFromInternalNr Connectable object from internal part number
ConnectorFromERPNr Connectable object from ERP number
PinFromFullDescription From
PinFrom Pin from
PinDesignationFrom Pin designation from
PinConnectionPointDesignationFrom Connection point designations from
PinPlugDTFrom Plug designation from
PinLevelFrom Level from
TerminatorFrom Wire terminal from
TerminatorFromSupplier Wire terminal from supplier
TerminatorFromSupplierNr Wire terminal from supplier part number
WireTerminalFromManufacturer Wire terminal from manufacturer
WireTerminalFromManufacturerNr Wire terminal from manufacturer part number
TerminatorFromInternalNr Wire terminal from internal part number
TerminatorFromERPNr Wire terminal from ERP number
CoatingFrom Coating from
CoatingLengthFrom Coating length from
CoatingMaterialFrom Coating material from
ApplicatorFrom Crimp applicator from
ApplicatorIDFrom Crimp applicator ID from
ApplicatorCrimpForceFrom Crimp applicator force from
ApplicatorToolOptionsFrom Crimp applicator tool options from
SealFrom Cavity seal from
SealFromSupplier Cavity seal from supplier
SealFromSupplierNr Cavity seal from supplier part number
SealFromManufacturer Cavity seal from manufacturer
SealFromManufacturerNr Cavity seal from manufacturer part number
SealFromInternalNr Cavity seal from internal part number
SealFromERPNr Cavity seal from ERP number
ConnectorAddOnLengthFrom Fixed extra length from
StripLengthFrom Stripping length from
NonCoveredWireFrom Exposed length from
ResidualLengthFrom Residual length from
NonCoveredTwistedFrom Exposed twisted length from
ResidualTwistedFrom Residual twisted length from
UnTwistedFrom Untwisted from
ConnectorTo Connectable object to
ConnectorToSupplier Connectable object to supplier
ConnectorToSupplierNr Connectable object to supplier part number
ConnectorToManufacturer Connectable object to manufacturer
ConnectorToManufacturerNr Connectable object to manufacturer part number
ConnectorToInternalNr Connectable object to internal part number
ConnectorToERPNr Connectable object to ERP number
PinToFullDescription To
PinTo Pin to
PinDesignationTo Pin designation to
PinConnectionPointDesignationTo Connection point designations to
PinPlugDTTo Plug designation to
PinLevelTo Level to
TerminatorTo Wire terminal to
TerminatorToSupplier Wire terminal to supplier
TerminatorToSupplierNr Wire terminal to supplier part number
WireTerminalToManufacturer Wire terminal to manufacturer
WireTerminalToManufacturerNr Wire terminal to manufacturer part number
TerminatorToInternalNr Wire terminal to internal part number
TerminatorToERPNr Wire terminal to ERP number
CoatingTo Coating to
CoatingLengthTo Coating length to
CoatingMaterialTo Coating material to
ApplicatorTo Crimp applicator to
ApplicatorIDTo Crimp applicator ID to
ApplicatorCrimpForceTo Crimp applicator force to
ApplicatorToolOptionsTo Crimp applicator tool options to
SealTo Cavity seal to
SealToSupplier Cavity seal to supplier
SealToSupplierNr Cavity seal to supplier part number
SealToManufacturer Cavity seal to manufacturer
SealToManufacturerNr Cavity seal to manufacturer part number
SealToInternalNr Cavity seal to internal part number
SealToERPNr Cavity seal to ERP number
ConnectorAddOnLengthTo Fixed extra length to
StripLengthTo Stripping length to
ResidualLengthTo Residual length to
NonCoveredWireTo Exposed length to
NonCoveredTwistedTo Exposed twisted length to
ResidualTwistedTo Residual twisted length to
UnTwistedTo Untwisted to
Thickness Thickness
LeadTime Lead time
ManufacturingColor Product color
MinimumOrderQuantity Quantity/packaging
Temperature Temperature range
AlternateParts Alternative parts
Option Electrical options
PartStatus Part status
Variant Variant name
Document Document name
Project Project name
Cable units report
Document Document
DocumentRevision Document revision
DocumentDescription Document description
OccName Name
PartNumber Part number
ERPNr ERP number
Description Description
Count Quantity
Variant Variant name
Project Project name
Connectable object report
HarnessID Wire harness name
WireHarnessErpNumber Wire harness ERP number
WireHarnessPartNumber Wire harness part number
WireHarnessDescription Wire harness description
CableUnitID Cable unit name
CableUnitErpNumber Cable unit ERP number
CableUnitPartNumber Cable unit part number
CableUnitDescription Cable unit description
ConnectorName REFDES
OccType Type
PinFromFullDescription From
PinFrom Pin from
PinDesignationFrom Pin designation from
PinConnectionPointDesignationFrom Connection point designations from
PinPlugDTFrom Plug designation from
PinLevelFrom Level from
PinCavitySize Pin cavity size
WireName Wire name
SupplierCompany Supplier
SupplierNr Supplier part number
ManufacturerCompany Manufacturer
ManufacturerNr Manufacturer part number
InternalNr Internal part number
ERPNr ERP number
Imprint Imprint
LabelName Label
LabelText Label text
Insulation Insulation
ParentCable Parent cable
ParentCableSupplier Parent cable supplier
ParentCableSupplierNr Parent cable supplier part number
ParentCableManufacturer Parent cable manufacturer
ParentCableManufacturerNr Parent cable manufacturer part number
ParentCableInternalNr Parent cable internal part number
ParentCableERPNr Parent cable ERP number
OutsideDiameter Outside diameter
CoreDiameter Cross-section
MaterialCode Material code
ParentAssembly Parent assembly / device
ParentAssemblySupplier Parent assembly / device supplier
ParentAssemblySupplierNr Parent assembly / device supplier part number
ParentAssemblyManufacturer Parent assembly / device manufacturer
ParentAssemblyManufacturerNr Parent assembly / device manufacturer part number
ParentAssemblyInternalNr Parent assembly / device internal part number
ParentAssemblyERPNr Parent assembly / device ERP number
LibName Part name
LibVersion Library version
Length Length
StripLength Stripping length
WireTwisted Wire twisted
ConnectorTo Connectable object to
ConnectorToSupplier Connectable object to supplier
ConnectorToSupplierNr Connectable object to supplier part number
ConnectorToManufacturer Connectable object to manufacturer
ConnectorToManufacturerNr Connectable object to manufacturer part number
ConnectorToInternalNr Connectable object to supplier internal number
ConnectorToERPNr Connectable object to ERP number
PinToFullDescription To
PinTo Pin to
PinDesignationTo Pin designation to
PinConnectionPointDesignationTo Connection point designations to
PinPlugDTTo Plug designation to
PinLevelTo Level to
PinCavitySizeTo Pin cavity size to
Terminator Wire terminal
TerminatorSupplier Wire terminal supplier
TerminatorSupplierNr Wire terminal supplier part number
WireTerminalManufacturer Wire terminal manufacturer
WireTerminalManufacturerNr Wire terminal manufacturer part number
TerminatorInternalNr Wire terminal internal part number
TerminatorERPNr Wire terminal ERP number
TerminatorMaterial Wire terminal material
TerminatorCoreSize Wire terminal cross-section
TerminatorOuterDiameter Wire terminal outside diameter
Coating Coating
CoatingLength Coating length
CoatingMaterial Coating material
Applicator Crimp applicator
ApplicatorID Crimp applicator ID
ApplicatorCrimpForce Crimp applicator force
ApplicatorToolOptions Crimp applicator tool options
Seal Cavity seal
SealSupplier Cavity seal supplier
SealSupplierNr Cavity seal supplier part number
SealManufacturer Cavity seal manufacturer
SealManufacturerNr Cavity seal manufacturer part number
SealInternalNr Cavity seal internal part number
SealERPNr Cavity seal ERP number
SealDiameter Cavity seal diameter
SealCavitySize Cavity seal size
Plug Cavity plug
PlugCavitySize Cavity plug size
PlugSupplier Cavity plug supplier
PlugSupplierNr Cavity plug supplier part number
PlugManufacturer Cavity plug manufacturer
PlugManufacturerNr Cavity plug manufacturer part number
PlugInternalNr Cavity plug supplier internal number
PlugERPNr Cavity plug ERP number
LeadTime Lead time
ManufacturingColor Product color
MinimumOrderQuantity Quantity/packaging
Temperature Temperature range
AlternateParts Alternative parts
Option Electrical options
PositionX Position X
PositionY Position Y
PositionZ Position Z
PositionRX Rotation X
PositionRY Rotation Y
PositionRZ Rotation Z
PartStatus Part status
Variant Variant name
Document Document name
Project Project name
Wire harnesses report
Document Document
DocumentRevision Document revision
DocumentDescription Document description
OccName Name
PartNumber Part number
ERPNr ERP number
Description Description
Count Quantity
Variant Variant name
Project Project name
Special components report
HarnessID Wire harness name
WireHarnessErpNumber Wire harness ERP number
WireHarnessPartNumber Wire harness part number
WireHarnessDescription Wire harness description
CableUnitID Cable unit name
CableUnitErpNumber Cable unit ERP number
CableUnitPartNumber Cable unit part number
CableUnitDescription Cable unit description
SpecialComponentName REFDES
OccType Type
PinFromFullDescription From
PinFrom Pin from
PinConnectionPointDesignationFrom Connection point designations from
PinCavitySize Pin cavity size
WireName Wire name
SupplierCompany Supplier
SupplierNr Supplier part number
ManufacturerCompany Manufacturer
ManufacturerNr Manufacturer part number
InternalNr Internal part number
ERPNr ERP number
Imprint Imprint
LabelName Label
LabelText Label text
Insulation Insulation
ParentCable Parent cable
ParentCableSupplier Parent cable supplier
ParentCableSupplierNr Parent cable supplier part number
ParentCableManufacturer Parent cable manufacturer
ParentCableManufacturerNr Parent cable manufacturer part number
ParentCableInternalNr Parent cable internal part number
ParentCableERPNr Parent cable ERP number
OutsideDiameter Outside diameter
CoreDiameter Cross-section
MaterialCode Material code
LibName Part name
LibVersion Library version
Length Length
StripLength Stripping length
WireTwisted Wire twisted
ConnectorTo Connectable object to
ConnectorToSupplier Connectable object to supplier
ConnectorToSupplierNr Connectable object to supplier part number
ConnectorToManufacturer Connectable object to manufacturer
ConnectorToManufacturerNr Connectable object to manufacturer part number
ConnectorToInternalNr Connectable object to supplier internal number
ConnectorToERPNr Connectable object ERP number
PinToFullDescription To
PinTo Pin to
PinDesignationTo Pin designation to
PinConnectionPointDesignationTo Connection point designations to
PinPlugDTTo Plug designation to
PinLevelTo Level to
PinCavitySizeTo Pin cavity size to
Terminator Wire terminal
TerminatorSupplier Wire terminal supplier
TerminatorSupplierNr Wire terminal supplier part number
WireTerminalManufacturer Wire terminal manufacturer
WireTerminalManufacturerNr Wire terminal manufacturer part number
TerminatorInternalNr Wire terminal internal part number
TerminatorERPNr Wire terminal ERP number
TerminatorMaterial Wire terminal material
TerminatorCoreSize Wire terminal cross-section
TerminatorOuterDiameter Wire terminal outside diameter
Coating Coating
CoatingLength Coating length
CoatingMaterial Coating material
Applicator Crimp applicator
ApplicatorID Crimp applicator ID
ApplicatorCrimpForce Crimp applicator force
ApplicatorToolOptions Crimp applicator tool options
Seal Cavity seal
SealSupplier Cavity seal supplier
SealSupplierNr Cavity seal supplier part number
SealManufacturer Cavity seal manufacturer
SealManufacturerNr Cavity seal manufacturer part number
SealInternalNr Cavity seal internal part number
SealERPNr Cavity seal ERP number
SealDiameter Cavity seal diameter
SealCavitySize Cavity seal size
Plug Cavity plug
PlugCavitySize Cavity plug size
PlugSupplier Cavity plug supplier
PlugSupplierNr Cavity plug supplier part number
PlugManufacturer Cavity plug manufacturer
PlugManufacturerNr Cavity plug manufacturer part number
PlugInternalNr Cavity plug internal part number
PlugERPNr Cavity plug ERP number
LeadTime Lead time
ManufacturingColor Product color
MinimumOrderQuantity Quantity/packaging
Temperature Temperature range
AlternateParts Alternative parts
Option Electrical options
PositionX Position X
PositionY Position Y
PositionZ Position Z
PartStatus Part status
Variant Variant name
Document Document name
Project Project name
Surface protection report
HarnessID Wire harness name
WireHarnessErpNumber Wire harness ERP number
WireHarnessPartNumber Wire harness part number
WireHarnessDescription Wire harness description
CableUnitID Cable unit name
CableUnitErpNumber Cable unit ERP number
CableUnitPartNumber Cable unit part number
CableUnitDescription Cable unit description
OccName Name
OccType Type
LibName Part name
LibVersion Library version
SupplierCompany Supplier
SupplierNr Supplier part number
ManufacturerCompany Manufacturer
ManufacturerNr Manufacturer part number
InternalNr Internal part number
ERPNr ERP number
Length Length
LengthCorrection Length correction
ToOrder Order quantity
FillRation Fill ratio
Thickness Thickness
Width Width
MaxDiameter Max. diameter
OverlapRatio Overlap ratio
OverlapLength Overlapping length
Diameter Diameter
ShrinkDiameter Shrink diameter
DiameterInterval Diameter range
Density Knitted density
Crossing Braid crossings p.i.
CostItem Cost/item
CostUnit Cost/unit
WeightItem Weight/item
WeightUnit Weight/unit
LeadTime Lead time
ManufacturingColor Product color
MinimumOrderQuantity Quantity/packaging
Temperature Temperature range
AlternateParts Alternative parts
Option Electrical options
PartStatus Part status
Variant Variant name
Document Document name
Project Project name
Wire list
HarnessID Wire harness name
WireHarnessErpNumber Wire harness ERP number
WireHarnessPartNumber Wire harness part number
WireHarnessDescription Wire harness description
CableUnitID Cable unit name
CableUnitErpNumber Cable unit ERP number
CableUnitPartNumber Cable unit part number
CableUnitDescription Cable unit description
CableName Cable name
WireName Wire name
Length Length
ParentCable Parent cable
ParentBundles Parent bundles
LibName Part name
LibVersion Library version
OutsideDiameter Outside diameter
CoreDiameter Cross-section
Insulation Insulation
WireTwisted Wire twisted
MaterialCode Material code
Imprint Imprint
WireStrands Strands
LabelName Label
LabelText Label text
SeparationCode Separation code
ElectricClass Electrical class
SupplierCompany Supplier
SupplierNr Supplier part number
ManufacturerCompany Manufacturer
ManufacturerNr Manufacturer part number
InternalNr Internal part number
ERPNr ERP number
ConnectorFrom Connectable object from
ConnectorFromSupplier Connectable object from supplier
ConnectorFromSupplierNr Connectable object from supplier part number
ConnectorFromManufacturer Connectable object from manufacturer
ConnectorFromManufacturerNr Connectable object from manufacturer part number
ConnectorFromInternalNr Connectable object from internal part number
ConnectorFromERPNr Connectable object ERP number
PinFromFullDescription From
PinFrom Pin from
PinDesignationFrom Pin designation from
PinConnectionPointDesignationFrom Connection point designations from
PinPlugDTFrom Plug designation from
PinLevelFrom Level from
TerminatorFrom Wire terminal from
TerminatorFromSupplier Wire terminal from supplier
TerminatorFromSupplierNr Wire terminal from supplier part number
WireTerminalFromManufacturer Wire terminal from manufacturer
WireTerminalFromManufacturerNr Wire terminal from manufacturer part number
TerminatorFromInternalNr Wire terminal from internal part number
TerminatorFromERPNr Wire terminal from ERP number
CoatingFrom Coating from
CoatingLengthFrom Coating length from
CoatingMaterialFrom Coating material from
ApplicatorFrom Crimp applicator from
ApplicatorIDFrom Crimp applicator ID from
ApplicatorCrimpForceFrom Crimp applicator force from
ApplicatorToolOptionsFrom Crimp applicator tool options from
SealFrom Cavity seal from
SealFromSupplier Cavity seal from supplier
SealFromSupplierNr Cavity seal from supplier part number
SealFromManufacturer Cavity seal from manufacturer
SealFromManufacturerNr Cavity seal from manufacturer part number
SealFromInternalNr Cavity seal from internal part number
SealFromERPNr Cavity seal from ERP number
ConnectorAddOnLengthFrom Fixed extra length from
StripLengthFrom Stripping length from
NonCoveredWireFrom Exposed length from
UnTwistedFrom Untwisted from
ConnectorTo Connectable object to
ConnectorToSupplier Connectable object to supplier
ConnectorToSupplierNr Connectable object to supplier part number
ConnectorToManufacturer Connectable object to manufacturer
ConnectorToManufacturerNr Connectable object to manufacturer part number
ConnectorToInternalNr Connectable object to internal part number
ConnectorToERPNr Connectable object to ERP number
PinToFullDescription To
PinTo Pin to
PinDesignationTo Pin designation to
PinConnectionPointDesignationTo Connection point designations to
PinPlugDTTo Plug designation to
PinLevelTo Level to
TerminatorTo Wire terminal to
TerminatorToSupplier Wire terminal to supplier
TerminatorToSupplierNr Wire terminal to supplier part number
WireTerminalToManufacturer Wire terminal to manufacturer
WireTerminalToManufacturerNr Wire terminal to manufacturer part number
TerminatorToInternalNr Wire terminal to internal part number
TerminatorToERPNr Wire terminal to ERP number
CoatingTo Coating to
CoatingLengthTo Coating length to
CoatingMaterialTo Coating material to
ApplicatorTo Crimp applicator to
ApplicatorIDTo Crimp applicator ID to
ApplicatorCrimpForceTo Crimp applicator force to
ApplicatorToolOptionsTo Crimp applicator tool options to
SealTo Cavity seal to
SealToSupplier Cavity seal to supplier
SealToSupplierNr Cavity seal to supplier part number
SealToManufacturer Cavity seal to manufacturer
SealToManufacturerNr Cavity seal to manufacturer part number
SealToInternalNr Cavity seal to internal part number
SealToERPNr Cavity seal to ERP number
ConnectorAddOnLengthTo Fixed extra length to
StripLengthTo Stripping length to
NonCoveredWireTo Exposed length to
UnTwistedTo Untwisted to
LeadTime Lead time
ManufacturingColor Product color
MinimumOrderQuantity Quantity/packaging
Temperature Temperature range
AlternateParts Alternative parts
Option Electrical options
PartStatus Part status
Variant Variant name
Document Document name
Project Project name