EPLAN News 2.8

Generating Alternative Cut-outs for Cut-outs on Restricted Drilling Areas

If a corresponding drilling pattern is stored at the part, cut-outs are generated on the mounting panel while placing length variable items (mounting rails, wire ducts. etc.). If one of those cut-outs is completely or partly on a restricted drilling area due to the settings in the drilling pattern, an alternative cut-out is now generated outside the restricted drilling area.


With the automatic generation of alternative cut-outs, the manual and tedious insertion of cut-outs, which is necessary for a safe mounting of items, is no longer required.

This is also the case if a restricted drilling area has been subsequently placed over a cut-out. When generating alternative cut-outs, the repetitive spacing determined in the drilling pattern is considered.


For non length-variable items no alternative cut-outs are generated.