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Tab Export (user, DXF)

In this tab you specify the special settings for DXF / DWG exports.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Page filter:

From this drop-down list, select a page filter that you created as a scheme in the page navigator. A filter selected in this way is stored in the DXF / DWG export scheme. If the saved filter no longer exists, the export is canceled and message is displayed.

A chosen filter is activated automatically. The "- Not activated -" entry deactivates the filter and causes an unfiltered display of the data.

Export medium:

Set the export medium for the export in this group box:


A MAPI-based e-mail client must be installed and correctly set up on your computer in order to exchange e-mails. For this reason the e-mail app of Windows 8® cannot be used either.

Generate file names:

In this drop-down list you specify the default method for allocating file names when exporting DXF / DWG files:

Generate subdirectories:

In this drop-down list you specify the default method for generating subdirectories when exporting DXF / DWG files:

Line type file:

In this file you specify the ACAD line pattern for the transfer. The file is not delivered with the system and must be provided by the CAD program being used (e.g., ACAD.lin for AutoCAD).

You can use the Insert path variable popup menu item to branch to the dialog Select path variable where you can select one of the available path variables.

Plot style file:

The plot style to be used when loading into ACAD is defined in this file, if you are using "named plot style tables" in ACAD. The plot style define here is recognized when AutoCAD reads the exported data and is taken into account as a default setting when printing. The file is not delivered with the system and must be provided by the CAD program being used.

You can use the Insert path variable popup menu item to branch to the dialog Select path variable where you can select one of the available path variables.


See also