Generate filters according to certain rule subsets from a whole set. You can limit, for example, the number of displayed elements in a list or tree. To do this it is necessary to define filter criteria. A defined filter can be saved as a scheme and then used or edited again at any time. All saved filters can be opened via drop-down list. Once you selected a filter, the data are filtered according to the specified criteria and displayed in the dialog.
Quick input
You can filter the displayed project data by means of a quick input in various dialogs (for example project data navigators, project management). To this purpose the Value: <Property> field is available beneath the filter in the respective dialogs. You can use quick input in this field to quickly modify the value of a filter criterion for a defined and selected filter.
There is an additional Quick input column in the Filter dialog, which you can open from the navigators by clicking the [...] button and use to define the filter criteria. The Quick input check box can only be selected for one filter criterion. If the check box is activated, the Value: <Property> field is activated for the relevant navigator as soon as the check filter scheme is selected. The selected operator is displayed in addition to the property selected as filter criterion.
Depending on which property you selected as the criterion (for example structure identifier), you can click [...] in the Value: <Property> field and select a different value for the filter criterion from the dialog that opens. To enter multiple values in the field, add a semicolon as a separator between the values. This is evaluated as an OR operation.
If quick input is not selected for any filter criterion in the Filter dialog, quick input cannot be used in that navigator. The Value: <Property> field is grayed out.
In the device navigator, you have created a filter scheme for the sample project ESS_Sample_Project. The property Location designation (ID 1220) has been selected as the criterion, and A1 has been set as the value. The Quick input check box is also selected for this criterion. The navigator then only displays the devices with the location designation A1.
Now enter the location designation A2 in the Value: Location designation field, and confirm. The navigator will immediately only show you the devices with this structure identifier. If you now go to the Filter dialog, you will see that the value A2 has also been adopted here as the Location designation filter criterion.
See also