| Name | Description |
| AddBoolDefault | Defines a new setting for a boolean default. |
| AddBoolSetting | Defines a new setting for a boolean value. |
| AddDoubleDefault | Defines a new setting for a double default. |
| AddDoubleSetting | Defines a new setting for a double value. |
| AddMultiLangStringDefault | Defines a new setting for a multilanguage string default. |
| AddMultiLangStringSetting | Defines a new setting for a multilanguage string value. |
| AddNumericDefault | Defines a new setting for a numeric default. |
| AddNumericSetting | Defines a new setting for a numeric value. |
| AddStringDefault | Defines a new setting for a string default. |
| AddStringSetting | Defines a new setting for a string value. |
| ClearSetting | Overloaded. Deletes the value. The setting definition is maintained. |
| DeleteSetting | Resets an individual setting to the value of the corresponding default setting. If it has no default setting, the setting is deleted. |
| Dispose | Destructor for deterministic finalization of SettingNode object. |
| ExistSetting | Verifies whether specified setting exists. |
| ForceReload | Reloads settings node. |
| GetBoolSetting | Returns the value of a setting. If a setting is read that has no value for this index, the default value is returned. The index starts at 0. |
| GetCountOfNodes | Determines the number of child nodes. |
| GetCountOfSettings | Determines the number of child settings (subordinate settings). |
| GetDoubleSetting | Returns the value of a setting. If a setting is read that has no value for this index, the default value is returned. The index starts at 0. |
| GetListOfAllSettings | Determines all settings. |
| GetListOfNodes | Determines all settings nodes. |
| GetListOfSettings | Determines all settings of this node. |
| GetMultiLangStringSetting | Returns the value of a setting. If a setting is read that has no value for this index, the default value is returned. The index starts at 0. |
| GetNodePath | Determines the path of this node. |
| GetNodePathDot | Determines the path of this node. |
| GetNumericSetting | Reads numeric value from settings. It can be 16 bit or 32 bit, signed or unsigned setting. |
| GetParentNode | Determines the parent node. |
| GetStringSetting | Returns the value of a setting. If a setting is read that has no value for this index, the default value is returned. The index starts at 0. |
| GetSubNode | Determines a child node. |
| MergeWithNode | Merges settings nodes. |
| ResetNode | Resets the node to default. All settings inside are deleted and copied from defaults again. |
| Set | Defines the path to the settings node. |
| SetBoolSetting | Sets the value of a setting. If a setting is made and an index is specified that exceeds the number of values, the corresponding values are created, based on the predefined value. The index starts at 0. |
| SetDoubleSetting | Sets the value of a setting. If a setting is made and an index is specified that exceeds the number of values, the corresponding values are created, based on the predefined value. The index starts at 0. |
| SetMultiLangStringSetting | Sets the value of a setting. If a setting is made and an index is specified that exceeds the number of values, the corresponding values are created, based on the predefined value. The index starts at 0. |
| SetNumericSetting | Sets the value of project settings on a given path. Type of value will be converted to 16 bit, 32 bit, signed or unsigned value depending on setting type. |
| SetStringSetting | Sets the value of a setting. If a setting is made and an index is specified that exceeds the number of values, the corresponding values are created, based on the predefined value. The index starts at 0. |
| Write | Writes all settings to a file. |