Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / ExecuteScript
In This Topic
    In This Topic
     Runs the given script.

    Parameter Description
    Script file to be run. File name with full path.
    <further parameter>
    Any further parameter will be passed on to the function of the script which is marked with the "[Start]" attribute.

     Only scripts with the "[Start]" attribute can be run.
     It is possible to use scripts with ActionCallingContext as a parameter. The specified ActionCallingContext will be passed on to the script (just as any other further parameter). See also "Eplan.EplApi.ApplicationFramework.ActionCallingContext".
     For more information see also "User Guide" > "API Framework" > "Scripts" > "Simple script with parameters".

    In the following example, the script (i.e. the script function) requires 3 string parameters "Param1", "Param2" and "Param3":
          EPLAN.exe /Variant:"Electric P8" ExecuteScript /ScriptFile:"C:\...\EPLAN\Electric P8\Scripts\...\SimpleScriptWithParameters.cs" /Param1:"Hello" /Param2:"EPLAN" /Param3:"API developer!"