Each Placement3D has 2 read-write properties which describes its transformation :
Matrix3D Placement3D::AbsoluteTransformation - absolute transformation
Matrix3D Placement3D::RelativeTransformation - transformation relative to a parent object
The properties are represented by 4x4 transformation matrix :
M11 M12 M13 M14
M21 M22 M23 M24
M31 M32 M33 M34
OffsetX OffsetY OffsetZ M44
Here is an example of setting transformation matrix to a 3D object:
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Vector3D oVector3D = new Vector3D(); oVector3D.X = 3.0; oVector3D.Y = 4.0; oVector3D.Z = 5.0; Quaternion oQuaternion = new Quaternion(oVector3D, 2.0); Matrix3D oMatrix3D = new Matrix3D(); oMatrix3D.Rotate(oQuaternion); oMatrix3D.Translate(new Vector3D(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)); oComponent1.AbsoluteTransformation = oMatrix3D; |
It is also possible to move 3D object using Move() method :
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oComponent1.Move(1.0, 2.0, 3.0); |
Sometimes it is necessary to calculate local transformation. i. e. relative to specified 3d object.
For example, it could be position of components on a rail from its beginning :
To calculate location of objects origin, there needs to be used .RelativeTransformationOfMacro property :
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Matrix3D terminalTransformation = terminal.RelativeTransformationOfMacro; var x_coordinate = terminalTransformation.Transform(new Point3D()).X; |
Alternative way is to use absolute transformation :
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Matrix3D railTransformation = rail.AbsoluteTransformation; railTransformation.Invert(); var x_coordinate = railTransformation.Transform(terminal.AbsoluteTransformation.Transform(new Point3D()))).X; |
It could be also useful to get information how an item was rotated during insertion from “Placement options” dialog :
To calculate this rotation, there should be used .RelativeTransformationOfMacro property:
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Matrix3D matrix = oPlacement3D.RelativeTransformationOfMacro;
double oRotationAngleZ = -1 * Math.Atan2(matrix.M21, matrix.M11) * (180.0 / Math.PI);