Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Interactions / XGedIaFormatDefPoints
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Formats the diagram of connecting and points of potential definition. Can be offered for configurable toolbar.
    Parameter Description


    Line width in mm or In or "-16002" for "from layer" (optional).


    Text color (optional).
     0 = black,
     1 = red,
     2 = yellow,
     3 = green,
     4 = cyan,
     5 = blue,
     6 = magenta,
     7 = black,
     8 = white,
     9 = light gray,
     252 = dark gray,
     253 = gray,
     -16002 = from layer
     The user can set other values in the color selection. Possible values are from 0 to 256.


    Line type (optional).
     0 = solid,
     1 = dashed,
     2 = dotted,
     3 = dash-dot,
     4 = dash-dot-dot,
     5 = dash-2 short dashes,
     26 = long dash-dot,
     -16002 = from layer


    Sample length in mm or In or "-16002" for "from layer" (optional).

     In properties which should not be changed, simply leave a question mark ("?").
     The format is the same like in graphic dialog where properties can be adjusted.

     See Interaction "XGedIaFormatGraphic"