Eplan Platform API
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / restore
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Action class for restore functions: restore projects and restore master data (forms, symbols, ...)

    Parameter Description


    Type of task to be performed:
    "PROJECT": Restore project
    "MASTERDATA": Restore master data


    Project name with full path.This only applies to TYPE value "PROJECT".


    Archive name. Name of the  archive to be restored.


    Target directory. Path where the projects or data are to be restored.
    Only applies to TYPE value "MASTERDATA".


    Specifies whether the previously packed project is to be unpacked (optional, 1 = Yes, 0 = No). 
    Set this flag to 0, only if previously packed projects are to be unpacked,
    Default value = 0
    Only applies to TYPE value "PROJECT".


    If set to 0, project information file (ProjectInfo.xml) will not be restored (optional).
    Default value = 1
    Only applies to TYPE value "PROJECT".

    Restored project is automatically upgraded to the currently used EPLAN version.
    When an error occurs during a restore operation, a "BaseException" is thrown.
    In case of invalid arguments or when parameter arguments are missing (e.g. the project name is missing), a "System::ArgumentException" is thrown.

    Restore project:
    restore /TYPE:PROJECT /ARCHIVENAME:C:\temp\EPLAN_Sample_Project.zw1 /PROJECTNAME:C:\temp\EPLAN_Sample_Project.elk /UNPACKPROJECT:0
    Restore master data (plot frames, ...) to a DestinationPath
    restore /TYPE:MASTERDATA /ARCHIVENAME:C:\temp\EPLAN_Sample_Project.zw2 /DESTINATIONPATH:C:\temp