Offline view
This functionality is only available to you in the browser.
Use the offline view if you want to view projects on the go and expect an unstable Internet connection. You can make each project available for the offline view.
As soon as you switch into the offline view, you no longer work simultaneously with other users on the project. Accordingly, you are neither shown new modifications in the offline view nor is the editing function available.
Add eView as a bookmark before you work offline: Even without an Internet connection, you can access your offline projects via this bookmark.
- Click Offline view in the project overview.
- Click OK.
The project is made available for the offline view. Depending on the project size this procedure might take a moment.
Track the process in your notifications in the header. A project made available for the offline view is indicated by the icon .
Online view
Switch from the offline view back to the online view. As soon as you work again in the online view you see the current state of the project. You can also edit the project with other users again.
- Click Online view in the project overview.
- Click OK.
The project is available again online.