Add projects
If you add a project in eVIEW, the project is uploaded to eMANAGE at the same time. The difference is that in eVIEW you only add a project view, while the actual backup file (*.zw1) is available in eMANAGE. When you annotate the project or take notes in eVIEW, always do this only in the project view and never in the backup file. The backup file can only be managed, updated and edited in eMANAGE, see eMANAGE: Basics.
You can also publish projects from eMANAGE to eVIEW. When you publish a project from eMANAGE to eVIEW, all available project languages are loaded consecutively into eVIEW – starting with the display language set in the project.
When adding a project, it is possible that elements that were defined in the EPLAN project are not displayed in eVIEW. For example, elements marked as "invisible" in the platform are not displayed in eVIEW.
In the EPLAN Platform
If you add a project via the EPLAN Platform in eVIEW or eVIEW Free AR, the project is uploaded to eMANAGE at the same time. While the backup file (*.zw1) is uploaded in eMANAGE, you see a project view in eVIEW.
Please note that the adding of a project in the EPLAN Platform can vary depending on the version.
As of Version 2.9
Mark a project in the EPLAN Platform.
- Click in the selection area.
The project is added.
If you add a new project version, all users with whom you have shared the project will receive a notification by e-mail.
Up to Version 2.8
- Click in the selection area.
- Click Add files.
- Select your backup file (*.zw1).
Click OK.
The project is added.
If you add a new project version, all users with whom you have shared the project will receive a notification by e-mail.
In the browser
If you add a project in eVIEW via the browser, the project is uploaded to eMANAGE at the same time. While the backup file (*.zw1) is uploaded in eMANAGE, you see a project view in eVIEW.
All backup files as of Platform Version 1.8 are supported.
- Click in the selection area.
- Click Add files.
- Select your backup file (*.zw1).
Click OK.
The project is added.