Panel Global search

The Global search panel serves for seeking and finding certain objects within a workspace, workdesk, nailboard, or cable drawing.

A query created within the Global search panel can consist of two conditions. The first one is defined by the Object type filter, which allows you to narrow the query result just to the item types you have selected. The Name, ERP number, Part number, Company or any User-defined property can be set as the second search condition. In a nailboard or cable drawing you can also use Text search. The resulting query is a conjunction (AND operation) of both conditions.

By clicking the [Add to selection set] button , the query result is added to the current selection. If it is not active, the current selection will be lost.

After clicking Start search , search results are listed below. They can be sorted by part category, name or part number.

Double clicking a result zooms to the object in the 3D/2D window and highlights it in the tree view.

Right clicking a result opens the popup menu.


External numbers can be searched by using the Part number as the second search condition.

The Search field in the upper right-hand corner of the application serves to easily find and select items containing the entered string within their part number or properties.