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Extensions for the PLC Data Exchange in the AutomationML AR APC Format Version 1.3.0

PLC data exchange is possible for different PLC manufacturers in AutomationML format. Different variants exist in the AutomationML format depending on the respective usage. The "Application Recommendation Automation Project Configuration" (short: "AR APC") variant is used for the PLC data exchange. The following extensions for the PLC data exchange in the AutomationML AR APC format have been realized for this version:
- Support of the current AutomationML AR APC Version 1.3.0
- Exchange of symbolic addresses within user-defined data types (UDT)

Support of the current AutomationML AR APC Version 1.3.0

With this version EPLAN supports the current AutomationML AR APC Version 1.3.0. To this purpose the "AutomationML AR APC V1.3.0" entry is available in the Format of export file field of the Export PLC data dialog.

In contrast to the export in the "AutomationML AR APC V1.2.0" format the following improvements, amongst others, are available:

  • The exchange of symbolic addresses within user-defined data types (UDT) is possible.

Exchange of symbolic addresses within user-defined data types (UDT)

For the PLC data exchange as of AutomationML AR APC format Version 1.3.0 you have the possibility to nestle and manage the symbolic address of the PLC connection point within a user-defined data type. To do this you specify the name and the associated data type of the UDT in the following new properties:

  • Symbolic address: UDT (name) (ID 20618)
  • Symbolic address: UDT (data type) (ID 20619)

"UDT" stands for "User Defined Type". The actual structure of the UDT is only required in the PLC configuration program and only specified there. The values of both properties are monolingual texts. Entry of a decimal point is not permissible.

When using these properties the overall resulting symbolic address is a combination of the values of the properties Symbolic address: UDT (name) und Symbolic address of a PLC connection point, for example "<Symbolic address: UDT (name)><Symbolic address>". This combination of the values of both symbolic addresses must be unique within a CPU for a PLC connection point.


The usage of a user-defined data type (UDT) supports the PLC programmer through efficient programming.

New and modified check runs

As part of these extensions the check run 004031 has been extended. There are also two new check runs.

  • The check run 004031 now also considers the property Symbolic address: UDT (name) and checks whether the symbolic address combined from the values of the properties Symbolic address: UDT (name) and Symbolic address is unique within a CPU.
  • The new check run 004120 checks whether the associated data type is also available in the Symbolic address: UDT (Data type) property at a PLC connection point where a value is entered for the Symbolic address: UDT (name) property.
  • The new check run 004121 checks whether the same data type is entered everywhere for multiple PLC connection points where the same value is entered in the Symbolic address: UDT (name) property.

Symbolic addresses within user-defined data types (UDT) in the pre-planning

The following new properties are available which allow you to use the symbolic addresses within user-defined data types in planning objects in the pre-planning as well:

  • PLC address: Symbolic address: UDT (name) (ID 44088)
  • PLC address: Symbolic address: UDT (data type) (ID 44089)

See also