You can customize the ribbon to your requirements by adapting the commands of a user-defined command group. These can be commands from the main tabs, rarely used commands of a tab ("Further commands") as well as actions. Furthermore, you can create your own tabs, rename available tabs as well as change the sequence in the ribbon.
The tab for access to the EPLAN Cloud products cannot be adjusted since it is generated dynamically.
Minimize the ribbon
- Right-click the ribbon.
- Select the Minimize the ribbon popup menu item.
Only the tabs of the ribbon are still displayed.
- Select the Minimize the ribbon popup menu item to enlarge the ribbon again.
- You can also minimize the ribbon by pressing the shortcut key [Ctrl] + [F1]. Enlarge the ribbon by pressing this shortcut key again.
- To also select a command in the minimized state click in the ribbon on the desired tab.
Creating new command groups
You can assign commands only to a user-defined command group.
- Right-click the ribbon.
- Select the Customize ribbon popup menu item.
- In the Customize dialog, switch to the Customize ribbon tab.
- In the Main tab field select the location to which the user-defined command group is to be added.
- Click the [New command group] button.
Below the currently selected tab / command group a new user-defined command group with the name "New command group (user-defined)" is created.
- Click the [Edit] button.
- Enter the desired name for the command group in the subsequent dialog.
User-defined command groups are identified by the supplement "(User-defined)" that is attached to the name.
You can use the buttons and
to change both the sequence of the command groups and the tabs in the ribbon. The [New tab] button can be used to create a new tab below the selected tab. A new user-defined command group is created at the same time below this tab.
Assigning commands to a user-defined command group
- Right-click the ribbon.
- Select the Customize ribbon popup menu item.
- In the Customize dialog, switch to the Customize ribbon tab.
- In the drop-down list Select commands, select the category from which you want to select a command for the ribbon.
- Select the desired command in the list located below.
- In the Main tab field select the user-defined command group that is to be extended.
- Click the
button to assign the selected command of the user-defined command group.
- Repeat the process to assign further commands.
- Click [OK].
The selected commands are displayed in the respective tab in the ribbon.
Assigning actions of a user-defined command group as commands
Numerous program functionalities in EPLAN are realized via so called "Actions". You can select a part of these actions explicitly when customizing the ribbon and this way, for example, store regularly used symbols, macros or other important program actions as quickly accessible commands in the ribbon. These actions are controlled here via a command line.
- Right-click the ribbon.
- Select the Customize ribbon popup menu item.
- In the Customize dialog, switch to the Customize ribbon tab.
- In the drop-down list Select commands select the "Actions" category.
- Select the desired action in the list located below.
- In the Main tab field select the user-defined command group that is to be extended.
- Click the
button to assign the action to the user-defined command group.
- In the subsequent dialog Edit in the Image field select the image which is to be displayed for the command in the ribbon.
- For selected action enter the text that is to be displayed for the command in the ribbon in the Displayed name field.
- Modify the example entry according to your wishes in the Command line field for the selected action.
- In the fields Tooltip and Description enter the texts which are to be displayed as the header and second line in the Tooltip.
- Click [OK].
The selected action is displayed as a command in the respective tab in the ribbon. If you have not selected any image in the Edit dialog, a standard image is shown for the command.
You can also subsequently edit the settings for such a command. Right-click the ribbon and select the popup menu item Customize ribbon. Then select the corresponding command in the Customize dialog in the Main tabs field, click the [Edit] button and carry out your modifications in the subsequent dialog Edit.
Resetting the ribbon
- Right-click the ribbon.
- Select the Customize ribbon popup menu item.
- In the Customize dialog, switch to the Customize ribbon tab.
- Click the [Reset] button.
After confirming a prompt, the ribbon is reset to the default state again.
Exporting a ribbon
- Right-click the ribbon.
- Select the Export ribbon popup menu item.
- In the subsequent dialog specify the directory and the file name for the export file.
- Click [Save].
The export file is saved in the XML format. The entire ribbon is exported.
Importing a ribbon
- Right-click the ribbon.
- Select the Import ribbon popup menu item.
- In the subsequent dialog select the desired file in XML format.
- Click [Open].
After confirmation of the warning message, the ribbon is imported. Existing customizations of the ribbon are overwritten in the process.
Ribbons which were exported with a newer EPLAN version than the one currently used cannot be imported. In the case of ribbons that were exported with an older EPLAN version, only the user-defined tabs are imported.
See also